Directed by: Craig Gillespie
Ryan Gosling - Lars Lindstrum
Emily Mortimer - Karin
Paul Schneider - Gus
Kelli Garner - Margo
Seldom do you find a movie that deals with a taboo subject (a full-sized-toy-sex-doll) and also a mental illness so delicately and with such good taste as in Lars and the Real Girl. Lars lives alone and besides his co-workers and older brother, he has no on e close to him. That is until he orders his new girlfriend, Bianca. His brothers and wife are understandably shocked as is the rest of the town. However gradually, with the urging of the family doctor the family and the town learns to accept Lars and his “girlfriend.” Everyone joins in treating Bianca like she is real (she gets elected to the school board) and you can’t help wonder if the whole town is delusional as well.
It is doubtful that this story could have been told anywhere other than Hollywood. Throughout the story you are just waiting for his delusion to break or for a confrontation to occur where someone tells him that his girlfriend has more silicone than Pamela Anderson - but this never happens, nor does it need to.
The actors for their part play their roles well and with a genuineness that is believable. The cinematography is simple and to the point which is good since it fits well with this uncomplicated and unorthodox tale.
3 stars
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