Thursday, May 31, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

Directed by Davis Guggenheim

Al Gore

The issue of Global Warming and its effects are being showcased in the media at an ever increasing rate. Whether you choose to believe in it or not you can’t escape it. However, this wasn’t always the case, especially when Al Gore was a senator trying to get Lawmakers to listen to him and the scientific findings.
An Inconvenient Truth touches on Al Gores struggles both politically and privately all against the backdrop of Global Warming and its undeniable impact on the planet.
Through a slideshow presentation Gore walks through the causes, the statistical data and the anticipated effects of increased greenhouse gasses. The facts are staggering and cause for concern, as Al Gore quotes Winston Churchill, we are indeed in “an era of consequences.”
Al Gore speaks with confidence and his is even humorous. Indeed he has had a practice for he gives this presentation thousands of times. The images presented are engaging and profound. At first I didn’t understand why Gore includes so much about his life, the tragedy with his son and his political endeavors (think ‘Hanging Chad’), but understanding these events help us understand Gore the person and why fundamentally he wants to change people’s minds and enact change. Gore is a man on a mission and though he never became president it goes to show that the president doesn’t have to be the only person in a position of power to change the world.

3 stars

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