Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Office Space

Directed By: Mike Judge

Ron Livingson - Peter Gibbons
Jennifer Anniston - Joanna

Work Sucks. Or so is the philosophy of Peter Gibbons played by Ron Livingston in this comical movie about office life. Peter works in a dead-end job at Initech a large cubicle - cluttered company that cares more about raising its profits by a fraction of a percent than listening to it’ own employees. Peter seeks help for his job from a hypnotist who hopefully can make him feel like he’s not actually working. The hypnotizing works well - almost too well. Peter is suddenly worry free. When his boss tells him to come in to work on Saturday he just sleeps in. Later he asks the waitress Joanna (Jennifer Aniston), who he’s always liked, to have lunch with him. Back at work while other people are being layed off he is being promoted despite the fact that he doesn’t do any real work.
Peter wants to get back at the company that has taken so much from his life when he learns that his two office coworkers and friends are being suddenly laid off. A scheme is hatched and revenge is swift.
There are many memorable characters in this movie from the aloof and “evil” boss (Gary Cole) to the mumbling, hard-lucked Milton (Stephen Root) who’s desk is constantly being moved.
A modern day corporate comedy, this is a must see for anyone who’s ever worked in an office or abhors the idea of it.

2 1/2 Stars

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